St. Louis School - 2011 HKALE Results


Percentage of Grades Awarded C or above
Subject St. Louis School Territory
Applied Mathematics 27.3% 32.0%
Biology 31.8% 23.7%
Chemistry 36.8% 23.7%
Chinese Language & Culture 20.6% 25.1%
Computer Applications 28.6% 17.4%
Economics 33.3% 23.4%
Mathematics & Statistics 31.3% 17.8%
Physics 43.6% 24.5%
Principles of Accounts 50.0% 24.9%
Pure Mathematics 36.8% 27.7%
Use of English 22.2% 13.0%


Percentage of Grades Awarded E or above
Subject St. Louis School Territory
Applied Mathematics 100% 81.0%
Biology 90.9% 76.3%
Chemistry 94.7% 75.2%
Chinese Language & Culture 96.8% 93.5%
Computer Applications 85.7% 73.5%
Economics 88.9% 74.2%
Mathematics & Statistics 90.6% 74.3%
Physics 100% 75.8%
Principles of Accounts 91.7% 74.9%
Pure Mathematics 94.7% 78.6%
Use of English 98.4% 69.7%