The SAA S3-4 Sub committee recruitment was successfully held in October. After two rounds of interviews, four students have been admitted as new members of SAA. They are:
Ray from 4A,
Lam Hei Yat Heyatt from 4C and
Lee Chak Him from 4D
Wong Pak Hang from 3B
Congratulations to those students who have been admitted. Welcome to be one of our SAA members. We look forward to working with you in the coming future.
SAA 中三、中四委員招募已經響10月中順利舉行。經過兩輪面試之後,已經錄取咗四位同學作為SAA嘅新成員,佢哋分別就係:
4A班 Ray
4C班 林希逸
4D班 李澤謙
3B班 黃柏恆